

For things with the following it means type it at the command line and hit enter:

$ ls -al

Before you start

Do you have pip, virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper, and git-scm installed? If not, you’ll need to get those on your machine before proceeding.

If you need to install pip:

$ curl -O
$ python

If you need to install virtualenv:

$ pip install virtualenv

If you need to install virtualenvwrapper:

$ pip install virtualenvwrapper

If you need to install git:

The Basics

Create a virtualenv for this project. We do this so we isolate all our work from the rest of Python on our computer:

$ mkvirtualenv dpkenv

Now we clone django-party-pack and go into django-party-pack:

$ git clone
$ cd django-party-pack

Now let’s install our dependencies:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

This may take a few minutes. Feel free to go get some coffee. :)

Settings setup

We’re going to follow what Django BDFL Jacob Kaplan-Moss advocates as best practices for dealing with settings. That means we’re going to ignore the file in the root of our Django project and use the script. In order to do that, we need to take a few more steps.

First, we add some virtualenv bits to allow us to access the settings properly:

$ echo "export" >> $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate
$ echo "unset DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE" >> $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postdeactivate

This will allow you to eschew passing in –settings= into management commands.

Now we add to the virtualenv paths our pollaxe project:

add2virtualenv <<path to django-party-pack repo>>/pollaxe

Running standard Django Commands

Try out the project:

$ syncdb
$ runserver

Running django-coverage

Simply run this command:

$ test

Now open the pollaxe/coverage/index.html file in your favorite browser.

Building these sphinx docs

Want to have a local copy of these documents? Easy! Change to our docs directory:

$ cd docs

Now we generate the sphinx docs in html format:

$ make html